Corruption of champions images
Corruption of champions images

Too bad for McConnell that her approach may be showing extraordinarily positive results. McConnell last week intoned against Rollins for being “soft on crime,” apparently because she has instructed her prosecutors to focus their attention on the county’s most dangerous and serious offenses. Rollins is currently the district attorney of Suffolk County, Mass., which is dominated by Boston and includes three smaller cities. These numbers are extremely inconvenient for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, who is trying to block the appointment of Rachael Rollins as U.S. The most startling statistic was the decrease in homicide, which fell by nearly a third.

corruption of champions images corruption of champions images corruption of champions images

in which violent crime dropped in 2021, and the decline was dramatic. Boston is one of the few major cities in the U.S.

Corruption of champions images